Jun 13, 2010


You can tell my summer premiered with a bang. I haven't made a post on this god damned blog for weeks! But hey, I'm here and I got one for you. A couple nights ago I experienced some wizardly pellet which gave me and my friends the sudden urge to lurk the streets. We talked about life, happiness, and watched the sun come up. How fucking emo is that? I still enjoyed it though, so fuck off. In last few hours I've come across a song that could of easily been our soundtrack for that night/morning. We should of hired some drunken morning mess to stumble behind us holding an iPod boombox (Example). But anyway, the song is Fred Falke's 909pm At The Beach. It a very slow tempo, feel good, instrumental. It begins with the sounds of crashing waves, it then merges with the keyboard, suddenly the bass and a guitar rears its head. It's an awesome smooth sound to have on your playlist. Download and enjoy.

909pm At The Beach - Fred Falke


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