Oct 23, 2009


Hello Readers! The name's Linda Stephanie, you can catch me on Twitter (twitter.com/cherchezlamoi) and I am here to serve you in all shapes and colors.

So, I work at an Optical store and when you're working at retail you get the opportunity to come across A LOT of people that vary, being: strange, sometimes uplifting, comical, deranged, misunderstood, lonely, poor, rich, disrespectful, ect. Well, anyway, yesterday (Thursday) an elderly man came in and he said his hello and all that good stuff. I remembered him from when he came in Tuesday to get his eyes checked. Now, he had a condition in his right eye that caused his cornea (the iris of the eye) to be completely covered by this white spot, as if it almost looked like an eyeball with no color. It was just white and it was like that kind of thing where, you can't help but to stare, you know? Okay so, he walks in and we're chatting, bla bla, and he goes "hey sweety, I've been having a hard time putting this color contact in, so can you do it for me?". I will not lie, I hesitated, I panicked, I almost gagged, I was creeped out, for the simple fact that....I WAS GOING TO HAVE A CLOSE ENCOUNTER WITH THE GHOSTEYE!!!!!!! I had to man up and just deal with it .........

I sat him down and just tried to not gag or even squeal and as I put the color contact on my fingertip, I opened his eye and there it was, a galaxy of wonders. His eye looked like someone injected butter into his iris and it was all sorts of colors. (Ew) ok ok, so I managed to put it in for him (no homo lol) and he was so grateful and I felt good about it because I helped someone and there's nothing greater than that feeling of "YES! I DID IT!".

In conclusion to my close encounter with the butter eye, it doesn't matter what you look like and who it is, as long as your able to reach out and lend a helping hand, it makes it worth the fear. Remember guys, check your eyes daily and NEVER!!! EVER!!! EVER!! sleep with your contacts on. Thanks for reading!!!!!


LindaStephanie said...

not bad for a starter =o)

Harvey said...

Not bad at all.

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